
Showing posts from May, 2015


Hi! We have recently been talking about shopping at school. So I thought I could tell you something about that topic because you might be interested. When I go shopping I usually go to Linz at the "Plus City" because there are a lot of different options where you can shop at. For example: electrical shops, restaurants, shoe shops, and of course shops where you can by clothes. This is a very big and modern shopping centre. I usally go shopping for two or three hours there. A few days ago I was at the "Plus City" in Linz and there I bought lots of new stuff: a pair of jeans, three T-Shirts and a pair of shoes. I bought this at Peek & Cloppenburg, Esprit and Humanic. Of course I saw lots of other stuff at the shopping centre but of course I can't by everthing. I hope now you know a little bit more about my shopping habits.